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🥇 Fully funded online courses Easy states of ambiguity in English: complement / compliment 🔥

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Fully funded online courses  : ‘Complement’ and ‘compliment’ Fully funded online courses are two words that are easy to confuse – especially if they’re pronounced the same way but are slightly different in spelling.

✅  Fully funded online courses  First, let’s look at the definitions: 🙂

Complement – Fully funded online courses  can be a noun and a verb. They mean something that complements or makes another thing. For example: ‘The wine really complements the main course’. This means that the main course tastes very appetizing when served with wine.

Compliment – Fully funded online courses  This word is also used as a noun and a verb. A compliment is a nice thing to say to someone else. For example: If you say to someone ‘I like your shirt’, that is a compliment.

🤑 Now let’s talk about Fully funded online courses the pronunciation: 🤓

Fully funded online courses  These two words are pronounced the same way. If you search for them in the dictionary; You will find the pronunciation written like / ˈkämpləmənt /.

💥 Tricks to make you remember the difference Fully funded online courses: 🔥

I would Fully funded online courses  love for you to get up every morning and say something nice about yourself, like saying in front of the mirror, ‘I look beautiful / handsome today’. When you do, you will notice that the subject is ‘I’, which is the same letter used in ‘compliment’. So when you compliment yourself, you use ‘I’ Fully funded online courses  as the subject and ‘i’ in the spelling.

remember; When Fully funded online courses we talk about something that complements another, we say that it ‘completes’ that other thing. Nice; The spelling «complete» and «complement» are very similar. The verb Complete does not have ‘i’ and neither does ‘complement’.

Fully funded online courses  So let’s try a simple test: fill in the blank with the correct word and you will find the answers below.

1. The shirt really

  • a. Compliments
  • b. Complements
  • c. Complement

2. If I tell him that he looks great today, would I be ________________ him?

  • a. Compliment
  • b. Complements
  • c. Complimenting
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3. When was the last time you gave yourself a _______________?

  • a. Complement
  • b. Compliment
  • c. Complements

Answers: 1. B, 2. C, 3. B

✨ Fully funded online courses  English Grammar Help: Beginning to Understand Infinitive «ing» gerunds 😂

An English speaker knows that every sentence needs a verb. Many students also know Fully funded online courses  that the ending ‘ing’ is used with verbs. So it appears in some English language sentences such as “I’m looking forward to seeing you soon” that it includes more verbs than expected. Fully funded online courses  But there is a verb that comes in the elusive gerund.

A gerund is a form of the missing verb that Fully funded online courses  is used to replace a noun phrase with a verb. In it the participle form is used where the ending is ‘ing’, for example: ‘hearing’. But what does this really mean?

Completed Fully funded online courses  verbs have a subject and their form can be changed and used so that they form sentences with a complete meaning (for example, «they smile a lot» «they smile a lot») while missing verbs do not change in this way.

There are three types of missing verbs: infinitive or abstract form, subject / object nouns, and infinitive with the addition of the verb.

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He Fully funded online courses  joined the first school in the world that won a gold award for three years in a row to teach English via the Internet, which has more than 20 million students.

There are Fully funded online courses  sources that can be preceded by auxiliary verbs, for example: “we may leave,” “we may leave,” or a main verb: “that made me smile”, or a main verb with noun phrases including ‘to’ Or ‘as’ to smile would have been difficult. Subject / object nouns are somewhat similar to adjectives because they describe nouns, and noun phrases are similar to ‘ing’ sources such as: «She is fixing my car». «She is fixing my car.» It is sometimes difficult to get the subject / object noun in the infinitive by adding ing.

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Gerunds Fully funded online courses are verbs that end with ‘ing’ that define the activities and are used in the sentence wherever the noun is used, for example: “Jogging is very good for you” or “I look forward to finishing my studies” «I look forward to continuing my studies.» Gerunds could be a subject of the sentence: “Flying is lovely”. Gerunds could be the object of the sentence: “She likes eating chocolate”. Gerunds may be pulled by the preposition: “After jogging she relaxes” “After jogging you relax.”

There are verbs that are frequently followed by a gerund such as: ‘to keep’, ‘to recommend’, ‘to finish’, ‘to avoid’, ‘to enjoy’, ‘to delay’.

Gerunds can follow prepositions and adjectives. Some verbs can be followed by a gerund or an infinitive without changing the meaning, for example “It started snowing” or “It started to snow”. But in some cases the use of gerund changes the meaning, for example: “I remembered to go to the doctor yesterday” “I remembered going to the doctor yesterday” and “I remembered going to the doctor yesterday”.

Gerunds is Fully funded online courses used a lot in English as you can see, and a lot of EF English Live students are very good at getting to know it. The beginning is to know where they exist and try to pay attention to where and how they are used. And in no time, you will be using it naturally in your language.