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🙂 Subsidy of housing Go ahead and consult through the subsidy information telephone numbers in the different entities that grant this benefit 🥇

Subsidy of housing

Subsidy of housing  : Given the importance of this issue for those who are in search of being able to have a decent home for their family, all the institutions that are in charge of granting housing subsidies have telephone exchanges where they can consult all the information you need. This can prevent you from having to dispose of your valuable time and money expenses in transfer to the central offices of these institutions.

If you do not know which are the entities that are in charge of granting the subsidies, here we will tell you

🤓  Currently there are several compensation funds that can give you the opportunity to buy a home through the subsidy system, among which we mention the following: ✅


• The Comfama Compensation Fund

• The Colsubsidio compensation fund

• The Comfamiliar compensation fund

• Comfenalco compensation fund

• Comfadi compensation fund

🔥 These are the telephone numbers of subsidy information of all the compensation funds 🤑


• The Comfama Compensation Fund: In order for all members of the compensation fund

to have the information they require about the services offered by this compensation fund, they have set up a telephone exchange, you can make calls through the following number telephone (57) (4) 360 70 80 to receive the subsidy information, mark option 1 – 2 and an operator will assist you

• The Colsubsidio compensation fund is another of the entities that are subscribed to the subsidy programs, it is located throughout the country, the affiliates of this entity who require information about this benefit, for this they have arranged three lines of attention to the public which are the following: nationwide you can count them through 018000947900, 018000910500, if you are in Bogotá dial (+57) 745 7900 or (+57) 744 7525 if you are in Medellín dial (+57) 604 6660

Lectura de Interés:   🙂 Know the requirements for used housing subsidies 🥇

• The Comfamiliar compensation fund has a hotline where you can get all the information you need about the subsidies, you just have to dial (+57) 313 5700 0 (+57) 313 5600

• The Comfenalco compensation fund has become one of the most feasible options for the beneficiaries subscribed to this compensation fund since it contributes to the construction of a new house so that you can fulfill the dream of owning your own home, if you require more information contact them through 444 7110

✨ The Comfadi compensation fund, if you want information on the services provided by this entity,  💥

you can also consult everything that interests you, as well as carry out some operations such as filling out the form through the following telephone number 684 1000 or line 018000968410.

Whatever your choice you cannot continue to let time pass, call and consult the subsidy information and take the first step so that you can buy your own home.