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🥇 American Visa Types Short online courses with certificates 🙂

Short online courses with certificates

Short online courses with certificates  : There are many ways for a citizen to obtain an entry visa to the United States of America, and there are many types of American non-immigrant visas, which are as follows.

Short online courses with certificates  What are the types of American visa?

  • The B visa to visit. 
  • Marriage K visa.
  • F visa to study.

Visa H Temporary Work or Training.

E Visa for investment or trade.

Visa L to head a branch of foreign companies in the United States of America

R visa for clerics

I Visa for Media Professionals and Journalists

🤓 Short online courses with certificates  The most important information on American visa types? ✅

The B visa Short online courses with certificates to visit Short online courses with certificates. The validity period of this visa does not exceed 5 years, and this requires frequent entry to the country, and it may be for a period ranging from one to 3 years, this may depend on the evaluation of the competent employee and the official in the embassy of the applicant, and the citizen who obtains this visa is allowed to stay inside America And the period of his stay does not exceed 6 Short online courses with certificates months, and before the expiry of the period, the citizen must leave and return to America again, otherwise this is considered contrary to the law, except in the event that a request is made to extend the period of stay with an explanation of the main reason for that.

🔥  Marriage K visa  Short online courses with certificates ⌚

One of the Short online courses with certificates types of American visas and this visa is granted to a non-American citizen, who travels to complete the procedures for marriage to a US citizen or citizen, and this is done by Short online courses with certificates submitting an application by the American citizen to the competent authorities stating that he wishes to complete the procedures for bringing in the citizen who marries him, and the procedures must be completed. Marriage before the passage of 3 months from the date of arrival in the United States of America, and under this visa the holder is granted a permit to work in America, and it also qualifies the applicant to obtain American citizenship.

🔥  F visa to study  Short online courses with certificates 🤑

In the event that admission and registration in a university has been achieved, this facilitates obtaining this visa, which is a valid visa until the completion of the study period, and one of its most important advantages is that its holder has the right to work part-time, and in summer machines the work is full time, but it does not grant a right Obtaining US citizenship.

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H visa for temporary work

This visa is granted to foreign workers contracting with an American employer, and it is granted for a period of residence that does not exceed 3 years and can be renewed once for a similar period, and after the expiration of the period, it may not be renewed except after obtaining the approval of the employer, and one of the biggest disadvantages of the visa is that the citizen is not entitled to work Except in the contracting party only, and he is not entitled to join another work agency except after obtaining approval from the US Labor Service.

E Visa for investment or trade

To obtain this visa, the investment value must be not less than $ 100 thousand, but the place or activity of the investment is not specified, but one of its disadvantages is that it does not grant US citizenship and its duration does not exceed two years, and it is automatically renewed continuously after the end of the period.

L visa to head a branch of a foreign company

One of the types of American visas for a period not exceeding 7 years and granting American citizenship, and it is granted by the Immigration Department to the heads of companies and institutions that want to transfer their activities to America, or to open a branch and this does not require pumping an amount of money, but the company must be in a stable state.

R visa for clerics

It is granted to anyone who wants to enter America in a religious capacity, such as a sheikh and a priest, and in order to obtain it, the person must be authorized by an approved religious authority, or he is a member of a religious sect.

✨  I Visa for Media Professionals  Short online courses with certificates 💥

It is intended for those who are members of one of the media fields such as: radio, publications or journalism, and the recipient must be a member of a media organization.